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août 15, 2024

Hello, Brasserieducomte!

Instagram 1 Million Big Combo Offer:

100% Real Organic 1 Million Followers + 50K Likes + 500K Views + 2K Comments + 15K Shares + Some Impressions, Profile visits & Saves – (Can be split into multiple links – Full details on our website)

All for just $xxx! (Coupon code BSFS10) Get it here: https://www.bulksocialfanshops.com/instagram-big-combo-offer

We also have combo offers for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and more. We can provide up to 2 million followers.

My name is Emma Quinn (https://instagram.com/shiny_arts_emma) from BulkSocialFanShop® Advertising Solutions, a social media marketing company celebrating our 10th anniversary with a special combo offer designed to enhance your social media presence.

We see that your Instagram account (instagram.com/biereducomte) and other social media accounts are not getting many followers, likes, comments, or views. This could be affecting your sales, personal reputation, and ability to attract new audiences.

Our Advantages: Free trial, Instant delivery, Accepts paypal, cards and cryptos, Lifetime guarantee, No password needed, 100% safe from bans, 100% refund guarantee, 10+ years of experience, 24/7 live support, 100% privacy, and more.

All for just $xxx! (Coupon code BSFS10) Get it here: https://www.bulksocialfanshops.com/instagram-big-combo-offer

Best wishes,

Emma Quinn (https://instagram.com/shiny_arts_emma)

BulkSocialFanShop® Account Manager

Mobile (WhatsApp): +1 (689) 267-3581

Registered USA address: BulkSocialFanShop® Advertising Solutions, 31463 Stoneybrook Road, Orlando, Florida, 32810, USA.

Emma Quinn


août 8, 2024

Hello, Brasserieducomte!

We see that your Instagram account (instagram.com/biereducomte) and other social media accounts are not getting many followers, likes, comments, or views. This could be affecting your sales, personal reputation, and ability to attract new audiences.

My name is Emma Quinn (https://instagram.com/shiny_arts_emma) from BulkSocialFanShop® (https://www.bulksocialfanshops.com), a social media marketing company celebrating our 10th anniversary with a special $49 combo offer designed to enhance your social media presence.

Instagram Combo Offer:

100% Real Profiles – 12K Followers + 8K Likes + 100K Views + 500 Comments + 1K Shares + 20 Bluetick profile engagements + Free 1 Million Instagram users database + Free 100k Email database – (Can be split into multiple links – Full details on our website)

All for just $49! (Coupon code BSFS10) Get it here: https://www.bulksocialfanshops.com/instagram-combo-offer

We also have combo offers for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and more. We can provide up to 2 million followers.

Our Advantages: Free trial, Instant delivery, Accepts paypal, cards and cryptos, Lifetime guarantee, No password needed, 100% safe from bans, 100% refund guarantee, 10+ years of experience, 24/7 live support, 100% privacy, and more.

All for just $49! (Coupon code BSFS10) Get it here: https://www.bulksocialfanshops.com/instagram-combo-offer

Best wishes,

Emma Quinn (https://instagram.com/shiny_arts_emma)

BulkSocialFanShop® Account Manager

Mobile (WhatsApp): +1 (689) 267-3581

Registered USA address: BulkSocialFanShop® Advertising Solutions, 31463 Stoneybrook Road, Orlando, Florida, 32810, USA.

Emma Quinn

Viva !

avril 16, 2022

Per lo primier còup veni de tastar la voastra cervesa (preferissi aquela denominacion),vos poadi dire qu’es una brava capitada ! Aquò dich, vos voali faire quauqui remarcas tocant lu escrichs presents sus li voastri botelhas : avetz notat « Noastra istòria » : boana causida; per còntra en aqueu paragrafe vos siatz enganats en parlant de « patois », lo planhi mas lo noastre parlar es degunament un « patois »(coma agrada de lo dire lu francés) mas un dialecte, es a dire una varianta de la lenga occitana de Menton a Bordeu, e dei Pireneus ai Alps (coma lo diguet Mistral). Encara quauqua ren : perqué avetz escrich « Voastre Bièra » en plaça de « Voastri cervesas ò bièras » e tanben « Mounta Cala » en plaça de « Monta cala » ? Lo « o » en òc normalisat a valor fonetica de « ou »,au contrari de la lenga en usança en cò de la grafia dicha, apiejada sus la grafia francesa, cen qu’es una deca. Levat aquò, vou reïteri lu mieus compliments par lo voastre trabalh, contunhatz, siatz sus la boana dralha. Viva !


Matalòt Reinat
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